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How to Upload Your Pdf to Aweber Follow Up Letter

How to Integrate AWeber with your LearnWorlds School

TIP: The description of the tip...

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Integrating your school with AWeber will give you lot access to powerful e-mail service marketing and autoresponder tools, with which y'all tin easily create automated campaigns and catechumen your leads to your new schoolhouse learners, by synchronizing them to your east-mail lists. More specifically, we provide you with the pick to synchronize your registered users' and leads' data, maintained in your LearnWorlds school, to your AWeber lists.

Setup your AWeber Account

If you are new to AWeber, all you need to do is follow the side by side steps, to make sure that you volition take a seamless experience when integrating the platform with your School.

1. Login to your AWeber business relationship, or sign up, if you are new to AWeber.

2.Create your Lists.

Learnworlds lets yous sync to AWeber two distinct LearnWorlds groups: registered Users and Leads. For that reason, it provides you with the option to sync them to different AWeber audiences.

The user information in LearnWorlds that sync by default with AWeber is Full Name (First Name and Last Proper name) and E-mail. If you wish to farther personalize your electronic mail campaigns with Users' / Leads' dynamic content yous can add extra Custom Fields to your lists. You can observe out more than about Custom Fields beneath:

A. User Custom Fields:Υou are able to sync with AWeber the following rich user information stored in LearnWorlds:

  • General custom fields arepopulated as a event of the user'due south activeness.
  • Custom sign-up fields are collected upon the user'south registration in your school.
  • UTM parameters.

Y'all can view in detail more than data by clicking on the "Run into bachelor custom fields" option.

B. Leads Custom Fields:Learnworlds allows syncing the information ready for each lead in your school with AWeber. This information is a mix of activity and Custom fields, populated as a consequence of the lead'due south activeness while subscribing from email grabbers and UTM fields.


  • To sync any of these fields, yous need to get-go create the custom fields in the lists you lot have selected for your users and leads in AWeber.
  • New custom fields will announced after the creation of new Custom Sign-up fields and tags created from the Newsletter sections (e-mail grabber section).

Connect your AWeber account with LearnWorlds

Since your AWeber Account and Lists are prepare, now you tin can integrate them with your school.

i.Click to SettingsIntegrationsEmail marketing.

2. Click on the AWeber tab and so check the Activate box.

3. Click on Connect to AWeber:

four. After clicking the push button you will be redirected to a new folio where you should insert your Aweber business relationship credentials (Login Name, Password) and click on the Allow Admission push.

5.Later successfully connecting AWeber with your school, you lot will and then exist directed back to the AWeber integrations page.

Select your AWeber lists

You take the option to import your registered users to an AWeber list and add all of your leads captured on your pages (through email grabbers sections) to a separate (or fifty-fifty the same) list. Your leads will automatically be added to the selected AWeber list once they submit their electronic mail.

Sync your contacts with AWeber

Equally soon every bit you have selected your lists, all yous demand to practise is click on Sync your contacts with AWeber. Utilise the Sync your contacts to AWeber button every time y'all select a new Audience to sync your school'southward Users and/or Leads with.

Use the Update Lists push button every time you need to make available the latest Audience changes in LearnWorlds.

Notation: Your users and the changes in their information are synchronized automatically, in real-time. Notwithstanding, if you add tags via an excel file, as shown in our respective article, or if you add tags, after a mass import of users to your online school, the user tags will not be synced with your AWeber accounts.


When a user (or an admin, on behalf of the user), performs an action in LearnWorlds, which triggers LearnWorlds, then automatically an action-specific tag will be practical to that user in AWeber.

Auto-tagging is bachelor for the following actions:

  • User enrolls in a product: A product can be any form (paid, complimentary, or with payment plan), bundle or subscription. The action volition also be triggered past manual enrollments.
  • User previews a gratuitous department of a paid form.
  • User is awarded a certificate.
  • User completes a course.
  • User is a paying customer: The lw-paying-customer tag is applied to whatever user who has purchased at least one grade.


According to AWeber Glossary, take a few moments to review the terminology nosotros utilise to discuss audiences and Custom Fields.

Lists:A drove of contacts and audiences, along with their profile details, preferences, and other data.

Custom fields:A place where specific contact details are stored, similar a cell in a spreadsheet.

Tags:A unique, text-based identifier that corresponds to the data in an audience field.

Dynamic content:The personalized or otherwise unique content that's inserted into a campaign by a Custom Field.

Notation:You tin integrate with more than ane email marketing platform if yous have dissimilar forms and campaigns on each 1 of them!


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