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How to Ask for a Review From a Client

Getting a stranger to give their credit card information online is hard. Marketers don't accept it easy.

But do you know what makes it and then? Customer reviews.

Customer reviews make your products more believable, more "real," if you will.

Your copy won't have to do the heavy lifting alone; reviews are proven to arrive easier for new customers to finish a purchase.

If your product pages need a heave in conversions and you have a solid base of happy customers, you came to the correct identify. In this article, yous will learn how to ask customers for a review.

Feel gratis to jump to the section yous want to learn about:

  • Why customer reviews are crucial in ecommerce
  • Channels you can utilise to enquire customers for a review
  • Tips for asking for a customer review
  • Templates you can utilise to ask customers for a review

Why are client reviews crucial in ecommerce?

Why wouldn't they be? Customer reviews are unbiased opinions about a product's quality.

Marketers and copywriters can shape the truth to any form they want considering it's in their interest to do then. A client who takes the time to write a review doesn't have whatsoever interests (with some exceptions) except sharing the truth about a product.

Customer reviews are conceivable and relatable, which is why consumers, on average, read ten online reviews before making a purchase.

Customer reviews are crucial for ecommerce

Over the past few years, the number of consumers who read customer reviews has grown. In 2021, PowerReviews found that 99.9% of consumers read them, compared to 97% who stated the aforementioned in 2018.

How many client reviews should you take? Well, one client review is ameliorate than no customer review. However, yous want to have as many equally you lot tin can because not everybody thinks the same way; your visitors want to see both the good and the bad reviews. In fact, ane study found that given ii products with similar ratings, consumers are more likely to buy the production with more reviews.

Co-ordinate to PowerReviews, 68% of consumers say that ideally, a product should have at to the lowest degree 26 reviews.

Vast majority of online consumers expect products to have at least 26 reviews

Another report by Spiegel Research Centre found that product pages with at least v reviews increase their purchase likelihood by a factor of nearly 4x.

Having at least 5 reviews can help increase product purchase likelihood by 270%

If y'all're selling on Shopify and you haven't started adding client reviews, you should consider installing an app like Yotpo,, or Loox.

Two channels yous tin utilize to ask for a customer review

Adding a customer review widget to your product pages won't give y'all positive results if you don't drive your customers to them. With the post-obit two methods, you lot will go the reviews you sorely need.

Automated e-mail sequence

Merely every bit sending automated email campaigns to potential customers will increase your sales, such a campaign will get you reviews.

People simply need to exist reminded considering, otherwise, most won't write a review.

A customer review email sequence requires non more than than two or three emails, which can be role of a greater postal service-purchase customer experience.

Consider this curtailed and straight-to-the-signal example from Papier (see the full collection of review requests here) ๐Ÿ‘‡

Example of an automated customer review request from Papier

The email tin exist as unproblematic as the email yous run across to a higher place, or it tin can include graphics and past customer reviews to expand the social proof effects, as shown below.

Example of an automated customer review request via email

As a rule of thumb, the simpler the email looks and the clearer the action is, the better. All the email should include is an acknowledgment of the purchase and a clear CTA that leads people to your client review page.

Sun of a Beach ask their customers for a review via email with a star scale

๐Ÿ’กNotice that Sun of a Beach used a disbelieve code as an incentive here. Nosotros'll talk more than well-nigh incentives in the post-obit sections of the commodity.


Notifications piece of work similar to emails, except that the recipient gets the message not in their e-mail inbox, just in their mobile telephone or desktop (depending on how they subscribed to the notifications).

Noah Weiss, VP of Product at Slack, summarizes the three essential qualities that make notifications powerful:

  1. Timely: They should exist sent at the right time (more than on that later).
  2. Personal: They should look similar a friend sent information technology (like an SMS or IM message)
  3. Actionable: It should be clear what the recipient should do.

Consider this example of a push notification that includes three quick response options ๐Ÿ‘‡

SMS and push notifications can be used as another channel to ask for customer reviews

To start sending notifications, you can utilise a Shopify app similar Notifications, or a more robust tool like PushOwl or PushEngage.

How to ask for a customer review

When asking for a customer review, you may fear that some customers may requite you a one or two-star review, which could requite a bad impression of your visitor. Although depression-star reviews are an excellent opportunity to gather customer feedback, y'all still shouldn't be agape of them within some limits.

According to Spiegel Enquiry Heart, 82% of shoppers specifically seek out negative reviews. The study theorizes that near-perfect ratings undermine the credibility of a production review.

In fact, purchase likelihood peaks at ratings in the 4.0 to range and then begins to decrease as ratings approach v.0, suggesting that shoppers see ratings at perfect ratings equally "as well good to exist true."

Some other study by Reevoo found that consumers spend four times equally long on a site when they interact with negative reviews and find a 67% increase in conversion charge per unit (as long as these are in the minority group).

Call up these facts whenever yous ask for a customer review and see a negative review. Information technology shouldn't be and so bad, after all.

Now, here are three tips that will assist y'all inquire for customer reviews with more chances for success ๐Ÿ‘‡

Offer an incentive

Your most loyal customers may give yous a review if you only inquire them (and later, yous will encounter i template you can employ to do this). However, most may crave an extra incentive.

What blazon of incentive works best? A PowerReviews survey of more than than 10,000 consumers found the following:

Top 5 incentives that lead to customer review submission

From all of the options available, giving away complimentary products might be ideal. You tin mix that with an influencer marketing campaign and get more sales and traffic simultaneously.

Giving early access to a production is some other effective fashion to get consumer reviews.

Finally, you get the well-nigh mutual option: coupons. Offering a coupon or discount tin increase the likelihood that a buyer will write a review.

Coupons are among the most popular incentives you can use when asking customers for a review

Fourth dimension your message

Before you send your email or notification, you lot want to await a few days after the logistics company delivers the product. Ignore the date your fulfillment center ships a product and focus only on the product delivery date.

From that date onwards, think how much it will accept for a customer to try a product. Near importantly, call back nigh the time it volition accept them to come across the value of your product.

For products in categories like habiliment and supplements, this won't stand for more than a few days. For tech products and other more circuitous products, y'all may need to expect a bit more than.

As a dominion of thumb, await at least four to v days afterwards the product delivery before asking for a review.

Y'all can use a tool like AfterShip to create automated electronic mail and notification sequences using the product delivery date like I just explained.

Use the correct words

You want to inquire for a customer review, but how do you go about it? The client may be happy with your product, but why should they intendance about the review? The incentives shown before volition help greatly, but you should also mind the words you employ.

According to Yotpo enquiry, calculation a shop or business organization name to an email'due south subject line boosts the review conversion rate by iii.7%. Consider asking a question, as requests with question marks lead to an average increment of 15.7%.

Question marks used in the customer review request emails increase the likelihood of review submission

In the next section, you will see some templates to ask for client reviews. Earlier nosotros do and so, I want to leave you with 1 final tip: make the product review request concise andbeneficial to the recipient.

3 templates for asking customer reviews

Asking for a customer review may seem a relatively unproblematic process for you, but it's non for your customers. They are decorated; sitting down to write down a review for a product they bought some time ago may seem counterproductive or a waste product of time.

With the three tactics nosotros shared in a higher place, your customers should observe it much easier to write a review. However, how do y'all really enquire for a review from customers?

Here nosotros have summarized three templates so you can copy and paste them (with some modifications to arrange them to your make) in your email marketing tool:

Template #ane

How is [Product] working for you?

Hi [Name],

Thank you for ordering [Production]! Now that you've had some fourth dimension to apply it, nosotros would dearest it if you lot could leave a review so that other shoppers can larn from you.

Delight click here to leave a review.

Thank you,
[YOUR Visitor]

Template #two

Review [Production] and win [INCENTIVE]


We hope you are enjoying [PRODUCT]! Exercise y'all have three minutes to give us some feedback on your recent purchase? We're looking to make our products better this year from our all-time customers like you.

Share your thoughts on how we can meliorate and win [INCENTIVE].


We appreciate your time,
[YOUR Company]

Template #three

[NAME], what did you think of your contempo purchase?

Howdy [Name],

What do y'all retrieve of [Product]?

We love to hear your thoughts on how [Product] helped you with [PROBLEM].

If you take a moment, please share your thoughts in a review!


Thank yous!
[YOUR Company]


If you are confident that your customers love your products and the entire shopping experience, it shouldn't be complicated to enquire them for reviews. You should expect to see a pocket-sized grouping of customers (usually the biggest fans or the biggest skeptics) voice their opinions.

To avoid any problems with negative reviews, consider surveying your customers. A survey will forecast whatever potential troubles that you should gear up before starting to ask for reviews shop-wide.

Finally, don't fret negative reviews. A few of them volition make your production more believable; what's more, it may even make your fans more loyal to your brand.


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